Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Hola mi amigos...I pray you are all doing well. It was sweltering heat here for a few 103 degrees. Then once again a cold front came in and we had a terrible storm..hail galore! Many people in the mountains had never seen hail before. It was very exciting. The weather has been so crazy here. People say it's never been like this before. We were really worried about our lettuce/parsley/swisschard/cilantro in the garden.. but as you can see from the pictures below God really protected it. I mean it hailed steady for about a half an hour, so it's a miracle that there was no damage at all.

It was a good size hail
miraculously saved

After raining babies here at the hospital for a while it's been kind of slow. I guess because of the weather, moms are waiting until the last minute to come in. We had one baby outside on the grass. Then we had one with the head out in the waiting that was a pretty exciting night. The nurses and doctors here are so calm. They do not get excited about anything. I guess that's easy when there is hardly any thing you can do to get in trouble. Unlike America, the threat of a lawsuit or even a complaint is almost non-existent. It makes it less stressful to practice and to learn from these ladies, but at the same feel for the mothers. And that's all I'll say about that..since this is now public and I'm still here.

Last night all the nurses, doctors, guards...even some of the moms were trying to watch or listen to the game on the TV. Honduras was playing Panama futbol which is our soccer. The whole town was obsessed with the game. I couldn't even get the hospital van driver to stop long enough to take me I walked. It's suppose to be a no-no for me here at night. But between the game and the pouring down rain, there was no one on the streets so I figured between the two, I would be safe.

Well Glesni is leaving next my little translater, tech helper and friend will no longer be with me. So I will be going it alone on the blog. To make matters worse, the little brand new netbook I borrowed from a friend down here was dropped and stepped on. Yes, by me!. I think it's that unconscious love/hate relationship I have with technical things. I just seem to drop them. So now this big black hand like thing is creeping across the screen. I don't know how long I'll be able to see anything...but I will keep going as long as I can.  We're in the bakery on wifi again. It doesn't take an hour and a half to eat one piece of carrot cake I buy, but the lady doesn't seem to mind us hanging out here on our computers. Oh...and I almost took a cold shower I'm getting close to getting under. They say it will get hot enough where it will feel good, but I figure if 103 degrees didn't do it! I will conquer it before I leave. Thanks for your encouraging emails..I will try to answer whenever I can.  Gotta go...adios amigos, I miss you and hot Heather

Just wanted you to see the size of the lemons on the tree in front of my house. It seems they have several types and sizes of lemons here

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